Автор Тема: Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)  (Прочитано 32325 раз)

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Оффлайн Mishtis

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #45 : 02 Октябрь 2022, 21:04:05 »

1) Fixed m3u playlist parsing error when using an automatic selection of EPG events by channel name, which sporadically occurred on some variants of m3u playlists​
2) "Playing" with EPGImport code... Now the code is as compact as possible, as understandable as possible, and more "twisted"ly =)  and works with the same import
performance regardless of the logic used ... be it twisted.reactor.doRead or twisted.internet.threads.deferToThread . The speed of importing EPG events depends
only on the performance of the processor of your SAT-box and the speed of reading / writing to the storage device (HDD / USB / Internal Flash)
3) Slightly supplemented and reorganized the output of logs for greater informational content of what is happening
4) Refreshed Italian locale
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Root, vdovbnenko, weter

Оффлайн Gorrec

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #46 : 11 Октябрь 2022, 18:17:34 »

​1) Fixed the appearance of the "names.client" error for images with the old or truncated twisted library (Merlin, Pure2, e.t.c.)
2) The functionality of xml_escape and xml_unescape for XML files has been completely rewritten. Instead of the previously used xml.sax.saxutils module, precompiled rules for regexp, and the name2codepoint module are now used. This increased both the speed and quality of processing. Often, the descriptions of programs in XMLTV contained HTML tags that got there due to poor parsing by the provider of HTML resources with descriptions of programs ... Now, thanks to name2codepoint, unescape of program descriptions is much cleaner and more accurate ... taking into account the unescape of all possible XML and HTML tags
3) For images with threads.deferToThread support (90% of existing images​), no temporary files are almost ever created now. All operations for downloading and processing any data occur in the RAM-"pipe". Temporary files will be created automatically if and only if there is not enough free RAM to store and process data... moreover, they will be created on the media with the largest available free space. Information about available RAM and the amount of cached data is displayed in the log. Storage and processing in RAM - eliminates slow read/write operations on any media. Operations in RAM are a priori the fastest!
4) Any operations of parsing m3u or XML files are done on the basis of "generators". Generators in python are the fastest and least "gluttonous" functions both in terms of CPU and RAM resources
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Mika, TU-134, ингрид

Онлайн Mika

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #47 : 12 Октябрь 2022, 22:41:11 »

1) Fixed a memory leak when using the EPG event auto-detection algorithm by the channel name from the playlist (if the EPGurl link is set in the provider's card). This resulted in the overloading of some "weak" SAT-boxes on some providers
2) ​A part of the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm code has been slightly optimized... Now the "difference" of strings is searched much faster
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Admin, TU-134, boomer44, Серргей

Онлайн Mika

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #48 : 29 Октябрь 2022, 10:09:49 »

1) Fixed crash log for VTi images
2) Slightly reworked the EPG auto-selection algorithm by channel name to improve the accuracy of its work
3) htmlentitydefs is included as a module and the plugin no longer requires this dependency to be installed
4) Once again, the algorithm for importing EPG events has been slightly redesigned. Fixed python bugs to work correctly with ZIP archived EPGs.
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Admin, TU-134, boomer44, asdf-52

Оффлайн ингрид

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #49 : 30 Октябрь 2022, 13:33:34 »
[30/10/22 04:30GMT] Fixed parsing of EPG given in plain (not zipped) XML...
redownload ... --force-reinstall
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Admin, Mika, sogaz, asdf-52, Vanofff

Оффлайн ингрид

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #50 : 11 Ноябрь 2022, 20:22:09 »

1) Plugin menu icons changed. Minor changes in built-in skins​
2) Changed how "available" RAM is determined to be compatible with older SatTop box (like DM7020HD​) cores when importing EPG events
3) Fixed the ability to select the /etc and /home folders when specifying the location of the plugin configuration files
4) Partially modified log messages
5) Refreshed Italian locale​ (thx @mapi )
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Astra4A, Root, Gerakl

Оффлайн бобруйко

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #51 : 26 Ноябрь 2022, 10:04:09 »

1) Added support for experimental (develop) images on Python 3.11 (OpenVision, OpenPli, e.t.c.)
2) Reorganization of code according to PEP8 requirements
3) Minor logging changes

p.s. Experimental images are not stable and contain many errors. Before installing the plugin on images based on Python 3.11, be sure to have the /usr/bin/@python symlink associated with python3.11 !!!
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Mika, TU-134, amator

Оффлайн ингрид

Re: Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #52 : 30 Ноябрь 2022, 11:23:57 »

Немного по другому переписал строку определения python в установочном скрипте ... Не на всех имиджах отрабатывало ... Теперь работает везде
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: vdovbnenko, M16, TU-134, asdf-52, Супрун

Онлайн Mika

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #53 : 01 Декабрь 2022, 10:11:09 »
Плагин m3u2bouquet от Dorik1972 за 1-12-2022

В OpenPli (возможно и в других сборках), не отображаются emoji ... убрал из bash-скриптов и перезалил пакеты ... теперь не будет emoji на любых сборках имиджей и не будет сыпать "мусором" в консоль на имиджах где их и так нет
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Root, sogaz, vdovbnenko, boomer44, asdf-52

Оффлайн boomer44

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #54 : 11 Декабрь 2022, 14:01:31 »

Minor changes in client IP detection
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Admin, 133048, vdovbnenko, asdf-52

Оффлайн Virus

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #55 : 13 Декабрь 2022, 10:33:55 »

1) Increased user IP detection time.
2) Changed the request for obtaining ISO693-3 codes for DreamOS-based images
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Admin, vdovbnenko, Серргей, боцманн

Оффлайн Mishtis

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #56 : 22 Декабрь 2022, 10:06:30 »

1) Fix for BlackHole 3.0.x images
2) A small change in the EPG importer code part
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Admin, vdovbnenko, asdf-52, Супрун

Оффлайн Root

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #57 : 26 Декабрь 2022, 17:27:49 »

1) Fixed m3u parser to handle "catchup-time" tag correctly. In some cases, this error led to the impossibility of parsing m3u playlists, displaying a log error about a data type mismatch
2) Fixed a small annoying inaccuracy in the EPG parser. Now the import of event events is much faster due to the exclusion of channel events that are not in the m3u playlist you use.
3) Support for "gzip, deflate" HTTP compression has been added to the EPG importer, which in some cases can significantly reduce the amount of data received, and therefore speed up the download of the necessary files
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Admin, Mika, vdovbnenko, lalasasha

Оффлайн boomer44

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #58 : 02 Январь 2023, 09:48:24 »

Fixed the "dimension" of the value of the dvb_event_id parameter when adding epg.db entries in DreamOS . Descriptions of future events will now be displayed in the "EPG Selection" skin on any DreamOS images

p.s. I strongly recommend that you delete the existing epg.db database on DreamOS before generating bouquets/EPG​

​systemctl stop enigma2
rm /etc/enigma2/epg.db
systemctl start enigma2
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Admin, vdovbnenko, TU-134, diablo_war

Оффлайн Joker

Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #59 : 05 Февраль 2023, 09:30:34 »

1) Slightly optimized date parsing algorithm in XMLTV
2) Added filters for normalizing punctuation marks, various unicode characters that in most images are not displayed in skins, double spaces, various html-tags e.t.c. when parsing XMLTV data
3) Added check of "if-modified-since"/"Last-Modified" headers when processing channels picons. Now if the picon file has changed on the provider's server, it will be re-downloaded (This option increases m3u parsing time, not critical, but it does increase. It all depends on the number of picons and the speed of your Internet connection. If you do not need to constantly check for picons file changes- just "off" - "Download picons" after you have downloaded them once)
4) In the "custom" sorting mode, the ability to change the "player" for individual channels, other than the default one for the provider, has been added. To do this, you need to set its numeric value for the "reftypeOverride" tag in the template file (***-override.xml) of your provider. The following values are allowed: 5001 (gstplayer), 5002 (exteplayer3), 4097 (gstreamer), 1 (dvb). Replacing the "player" (reftype) will work if and only if the player you specified is installed in the image you use
For example:
<channel name="Eurosport 1 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" reftypeOverride="5001"/>
p.s. If you used ****-override.xml before and don't want to re-create it for the current change, just convert it with sed
sed -i 's/serviceRefOverride/reftypeOverride/g' your-override.xml
The functionality and purpose of template files can be found here -
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Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Gerakl, Mishtis, Voks