1) Fixed occurrence of 'nwame' error in DEBUG logging mode when using template mode
2) Unified the list of available folders for users to select/save files. The following folders are not available for users to choose: “/bin”, “/boot”, “/dev”, “/lib”, “/proc”, “/run”, “/sbin”, “/sys”, “/var”, “/usr”, “/picon”, “/piconlcd”. So you can't store your playlists in any of these folders, they won't be available for selection in the plugin menu
3) Small adjustments to the skins and display of various items in the plugin menu
4) Completely replaced and rewritten the code responsible for auto-selection of EPG “by similarity”. Now a faster mathematical algorithm for finding “similarity” is used (Jaro–Winkler similarity is used now instead of Damerau–Levenshtein distance), and you can specify the degree of search accuracy (not lower than the specified one) in percent in the playlist settings menu
Available range of similarity recognition accuracy from 75 to 100% (100% is an absolute match)
5) Minor changes in the code responsible for loading picons. The speed of processing and loading of picons is slightly increased.
6) Added translations of all locales due to the above changes